

  • Training of teachers on the modules of the "GREEN S.E.E.D.S. Toolkit".
  • Coordination of teachers from different schools to form the working groups and plan the activities
  • Exchange between remote classes: identification of topics for drafting SEEDQUESTS, collection of materials and experiences, exchange and comparison between pupils
  • Digital Storytelling, to share Seedquests with pupils and students in urban or less decentralized schools: a peer-to-peer learning experience


PRIMARY SCHOOL: IC Bosco Chiesanuova, I.S. Abbé J.M. Tréves (associated to Région VdA)
5 classes, 68 pupils, 6 teachers
GROUP 1: 3 classes, 42 pupils, 4 teachers
GROUP 2: 2 classes, 26 pupils, 2 teachers

SECONDARY SCHOOL, 1ST GRADE: I.S. Abbé J.M. Tréves (associated to Région VdA), CEIP Espinera-Aldan (associated to University of Vigo)
6 classes, 91 pupils, 9 teachers
GROUP 3: 3 classes, 45 pupils, 7 teachers
GROUP 4: 3 classes, 46 pupils, 7 teachers

HIGH SCHOOL: SS Vela Luka (HR), Volissos High School (GR), Olympion High School (CY)
9 classes, 82 students, 9 teachers
GROUP 5: 3 classes, 27 students, 3 teachers
GROUP 6: 3 classes, 31 students, 3 teachers
GROUP 7: 3 classes, 24 students, 3 teachers