Author: 1st Grade Upper Secondary, SS Vela Luka, HR.
PARTNERS: 1st Grade Lower Secondary, Olympion High School, CY; 3rd Grade Lower Secondary, 1st Grade Upper Secondary,
Volissos High School, GR.

Island as a specific ecosystem (own photo)
A long time ago, our island was not an island. At that time, Europe was ruled by ice, and the level of the Adriatic Sea was about 100 meters lower. But about 11,700 years ago, the atmosphere began to warm up, causing sea levels to rise. Then the part of the mainland where we live became an island, an ecosystem isolated by the sea. Climate change has caused a great change in flora and fauna. And man experienced his changes through those periods. He gradually ceased to be a hunter and fruit gatherer because he learned how to raise animals and cultivate the land. Then man became a factor that changed the environment. The island is a specific ecosystem because it is relatively small and isolated. Therefore, the influence of a dominant species may come to a special expression. How has man affected other living things (flora and fauna) with which he shares this piece of land? Our research will guide us from the historical periods of the island to the present. By studying online sources we will be able to discover whether and to what extent the environment in which we live today is the result of human influence. We will also confront our way of life today and critically analyze it in the context of the impact on other living beings and ourselves. We will highlight biodiversity as a very importnant for quality of life. All our research and conclusions will put us in a position where we will be able to think about the future: What do we want for ourselves and our descendants? Is this future independent of our environment or is it essentially connected to it? When we answer these important questions we can redirect our way of life. I believe that in a quality debate debate we will come up with wise answers together.
Learning Objectives
- Student uses reliable Internet sources for necessary information
- Student uses digital (web) tools to graphically represent data
- Student knows the changes in the environment of the island through history and their causes
- Student can describe biodiversity
- Student recognizes the importance of biodiversity for quality of life
- Student devises procedures for conserving and supporting biodiversity
- Student can independently list and identify some medicinal plants
- Student states the ways of using medicinal herbs: medicinal preparations -e.g. teas, essential oils, tinctures, gastronomy use (herbs, spices)…
- Student knows some of the benefits of using herbs for human health
- Student can assess the impact of pesticides and herbicides on plants and human health
- Student knows typical forest localities in Croatia
- Student describes the general characteristics of certain types of forests in Croatia
- Student lists the most famous examples of plant and animal species in some Croatian forests
- Student assesses the presence of certain plant and animal species in Croatian forests
- Student connects the relief-climatic characteristics of geographical localities in which Croatian forests are located with the characteristics/adaptations of individual plant and animal species that inhabit them
- Student lists (human) factors that currently endanger the survival of forests in Croatia the most
- Student explains the ways in which certain factors negatively affect the “life” of forests in Croatia
- Student has an awareness of the richness, diversity and preservation of the Croatian forest cover
- Student actively listens
- Student is tolerant and able to accept different views and opinions
- Student articulates and argues his/her opinion
- Student looks at the problem from several aspects actively works in a team and learns collaboratively

Students explore Nature (recognize medicinal plants and different plant and animal species)
Part 1 (History)
Divide students into four teams. Each team has its own specific task related to important periods and events in the history of the island that influenced the change of the island ecosystem.
- Team 1: Using internet sources, explore the period of Greek, Roman and Venetian rule of the island.
- Team 2: Using internet sources, investigate the period of Austro-Hungarian rule of the island.
- Team 3: Using online sources, explore the period after the Great War.
- Team 4: Investigate the impact of natural disasters (droughts, fires, etc.) on the island ecosystem.
Each team keeps its own research diary in some document sharing tool. Guidelines for conducting research are:
- Time period in years
- Appearance of the environment (flora and fauna) before, during and after a specific period
- Changes in population during a specific period
- Changes in living conditions and lifestyle over a specific period.
Students keep a diary in text format with the addition of photos and videos. They also list all the internet sources they used during the research (attach links). Upon completion of the research, each team individually creates its own presentation (PowerPoint or similar tool) which presents its results to other teams. After that, all teams together create a “biological island timeline” using some of the infographic tools (Piktochart, Canva or similar tools). The aim of this activity is for students to systematize the results of all research by presenting basic information:
- A period in the history of the island
- Change of island flora and fauna
- Change in population
- Changing conditions and lifestyle
- Important events that affected the island ecosystem
Part 2 (Present)
"Medicinal herbs". Through fieldwork and a biodiversity workshop, we want students to become aware of the importance of plants and animals. Every plant and animal, even the smallest ones, have their place in the biological chain. Today we are witnessing the extinction of plant and animal species and this is a big problem. We will affirm the topic of biodiversity through the study of medicinal plants. The island of Korcula as a part of Dalmatia and the Mediterranean abounds in a large number of medicinal plants, cultivated and wild. We want students to understand the importance of medicinal herbs, to know how to recognize it (at least some species) and use it. Through teaching students about medicinal herbs, we want to raise awareness of the need to preserve, cultivate and use them. There is ample evidence / evidence to suggest a high potential for over-the-counter medications, and most illnesses or diseases treated with over-the-counter medications can be treated with medicinal cultivated herbs or natural herbs.) Most people, when they feel even the slightest pain in their body, usually go to the pharmacy immediately to get some of the pharmaceutical preparations. However, Nature offers us a free and quality alternative that needs a little more effort, but it pays off! Let’s go exploring a large herbal pharmacy together.
"Forest vegetation of Croatia" Students will be introduced to the forest habitats we are surrounded. Students' prior knowledge and previous experiences related to the topic of the forest will be examined. Students will be encouraged to repeat and recall the processed material from geography and biology, which is related to the geographical characteristics of Croatia and the characteristics of forests as habitats of the living world. In the introductory part, it is important to touch on the issues of forest endangerment and the need to protect the forest cover. This is the result of the influence of various products of the modern way of life. Students will use web sources to explore the characteristics of individual Croatian forests. The research also includes drawing conclusions related to the characteristics of individual geographical localities in Croatia. Students will ultimately present their work to each other, which will encourage appropriate discussion and critical thinking.)
Part 3 (Future)
Debate - Should Kočje* become a tourist destination? (This part of SeedQuest is dedicated to the debate. In order for students to become aware of the need to preserve nature during this project, it is extremely important to encourage them to think. During the debate, students will collect arguments and actively think about the importance of forest conservation. It is important that they do not accept the facts as something final but that they are critical of the information they receive, attitudes and values.)
*(Kočje- Nature forest reserve, that is not advertised much)
Part 4
The last part of SeedQuest focuses on the presentation of the entire process in the Sway presentation tool. With the help of this tool, students will create a page where all relevant information about the forests of the island of Korcula, historical development, flora and fauna, climate, herbs and human impact on the island's ecosystem will be available. Each team member will be assigned a specific piece that he must make. Students can exchange ideas and ways to present specific content to each other. The content will be backed up with photos, videos and other visual tools (such as infographics created in the Venngage tool) to make the page as clear and interesting as possible.
Part 1
Students need to be divided into four teams. Each team explores a different period of the island's history, but with an emphasis on the characteristic "footprint" of the period on the ecosystem. Within the teams, students distribute responsibilities, and all have access to a common research diary document. They need to compare their own research results with others with a critical attitude towards information sources. Upon completion of the research, the team makes a presentation based on the research diary, which presents the important conclusions of their research. When researching, we advise teams on some web-sources of information.
Part 2
" Medicinal herbs" Field classes: students are in the forest vegetation reserve - Kočje, island of Korčula. We will divide the students into 5 groups. Each group will be named after an endemic plant of the Republic of Croatia. The name of the group and a brief description of the endemic plant will be given to students in a QR code.
A) Biodiversity Students divided into 5 groups were given a piece of rope (5 m long). Each group has the task to find an "island" with the most different plant and animal species, and to identify them as much as possible. After the activity, the students need to be explained the reason for the analysis of that "microcosm" - that microcosm is a part of a bigger, bigger even bigger one. In the end, we conclude that this microcosm makes the Earth as we know it today. So that little piece of land is very important in the whole biological chain.
B) Recognize me! Recognition of edible, medicinal wild plants in nature.
C) Introduction to the topic. The teacher uses the ppt presentation when describing medicinal herbs.
Using the Mentimeter application, students write down terms, ie associations - keywords on the topic.
D) Investigate me! We will divide the students into pairs. Each couple will receive one medicinal plant (rosemary, oregano, thyme, basil, laurel, parsley). Students need to search the Internet - the goal is to find the main information related to the plant: terminology, habitat, application, healing or application (concise and concise information). The requested information should be written down on paper. Students have 15 minutes for this activity. Each group presents key information written on paper to the class. During the student's presentation on the LCD screen is a picture of the plant in question.
E) Herbicides, pesticides, yes or no? Students watch a short YT record of pesticides The teacher further explains the use/ purpose of herbicides, and the impact of herbicides on plants in general, and wild plants in general and medicinal plants. Assignment for students: students are divided into 3 groups. Two groups are apple growers, one group uses herbicides and the other does not. Apple growers should justify the use or non-use of herbicides or pesticides. Third group - the rest of the class evaluates where and why they will buy apples.
F) We learned everything! Recapitulation of material via the Kahoot!
G) “Forest vegetation of Croatia” We will divide the students into three working groups. Each group will, using the given web sources, explore a particular type of forest in Croatia (Pannonian, mountain and coastal forests). In addition to the default web resources, students will be able to use their own resources (books, magazines, oral presentations by experts…). Students will present their research using the appropriate presentation tool which they will share with students from other groups. After the presentation of each group of students, there will be peer evaluation, critical reflection on the topics covered and drawing common conclusions. The presentation and teamwork of students is directed and modeled by teachers all the time.
Part 3 (Future) Debate Should Kočje become a tourist destination?
A debate is a formalized discussion in which the affirmative team (A) defends (represents) and the negative team (N) challenges (refutes) a predetermined thesis. The rules for conducting the debate are:
- Each team consists of 3 members (A1, A2, A3 vs. N1, N2, N3).
- The first speakers in the teams can speak for a maximum of 6 minutes, while the second and third speakers speak for a maximum of 5 minutes.
- Cross-examination lasts 3 minutes.
- Each team is entitled to a total of 8 minutes to negotiate (as well as time to think).
- Reflection time cannot be used during speech or cross-examination. In addition to these limitations, teams use the time to negotiate as they see fit.
- The timekeeper makes sure that the participants in the debate adhere to the time limits. His role is to show the speakers how much time they have left during the debate, using pre-arranged signs.
- Speakers speak standing. Speech reading is not allowed.
- The winner of the debate is decided by the judge.
- The judge decides on the winner solely on the basis of the demonstrated quality of the debate. Judges' personal beliefs about the thesis must not play any role.
- Judges should orally explain their decision to help teams learn based on their own performances. Evaluation must be neutral and constructive.
- No intrusions or comments are allowed during the debate. Debaters must behave politely, respecting opponents and refraining from excessive aggression in speech.
- Understand the meaning of keywords in the thesis.
- Find a certain point of dispute of the affirmative and negative side (it is always a value or a principle).
- Trying to understand why someone would represent the A side and someone the N side,define the key dilemmas and hence the main reasons and criteria.
Based on point 3, by adding and writing down ideas, and subsequent grouping and evaluation, create arguments
RESEARCH - divide materials and research tasks - find evidence.
More websites:
- Website of Goran Šafarek, expert in natural habitats of the Republic of Croatia
- Gjivoje. Marinko. The Island of Korcula, II. Ed, Zagreb, 1969.
- Foretico. Vinko. The Island of Korčula in the Middle Ages until 1420, Zagabria: Tisak narodne tiskare, 1940
- Visit Korcula
- Croatian Debating Society
- Website -
- Students are introduced to changes in the environment changes in the environment
- Students know how to describe the term "biodiversity"
- Students notice the importance of biodiversity
- Students can independently name and identify some medicinal plants
- Students know how to use herbs
- Students know how to assess the need to use herbicides and pesticides
- Students know typical forest localities in Croatia
- Student is able to state the general characteristics of certain types of forests in Croatia
- Student knows how to list the human factors that nowadays most endanger the survival of forests in Croatia
- Use of reliable sources on the Internet
- Use of digital tools
- Student listens actively
- Student is tolerant and able to accept different views and opinions
- Student articulates and argues his/her opinion
- Student sees the problem from several aspects The student actively works in a team and learns collaboratively
Evaluation conducted via Google Forms. The results are available on Dropbox
Through this SeedQuest, students are introduced to the importance of forests and the importance of forest conservation. Students learned the types of forests in Croatia, types of medicinal herbs and how to use medicinal herbs. In addition, students became aware of the importance of forests and plants in general and the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity.