Author: classes 3rd Grade Lower Secondary e 1st Grade Upper Secondary, Volissos High School, GR
PARTNERS: 1st Grade Lower Secondary, Olympion High School, CY; 1st Grade Upper Secondary, SS Vela Luka, HR.

Forest trees in Chios (photo Eftichia Vlysidou, Katerina Skokou)
The forests are a natural resource of incalculable value for man. Their protection and preservation is a duty, obligation and priority of every society and every citizen individually. They are a renewable natural resource with inexhaustible potential for the environmental, economic, social and cultural development of a place. Forest benefits are the immediate (and easily perceived) ones (mainly economic), which are related to the forest products and their derivatives, the recreational way out and the aesthetic pleasure that the forest offers. There are also the indirect benefits as the most important, because the forest affects the oxygen cycle (factorizing it), the carbon dioxide cycle (by photosynthesis) and helps to determine the climate, to ensure biodiversity, as well as and in soil formation.
However, forests are vulnerable to environmental conditions, with the result that they are destroyed by fires (lightning, drought). Also, human activities are destructive to forests. Man, usually, burns a forest because he plans to build a hotel. Man infects a forest, because he dumps large amounts of rubbish/litter there. Man destroys a forest, because he does not clean it. Man destroys a burned forest area, because he does not reforest it.
Forest fires are an ancient phenomenon. They have been occurring, however, with a catastrophic frequency and intensity for the last 30 years. In our country, the climatic conditions that prevail in combination with its intense relief, favor their rapid spread.
In fact, if we take into account that the environmental conditions are forecast for the coming decades even worse (increase in temperature, drought and vegetation), then the problem of forest fires in our country is expected to become more acute.
Historically, the forest areas of Chios have suffered a lot of damage, mainly due to drought. In the last 40 years (1981-2021) there have been 10 forest fires on the island, which have destroyed significant parts of the local forests. Given the benefits of forests for humans, the protection of forests is of paramount importance. The forest must be protected from any kind of destruction, natural or technical.
Information and prevention play an extremely important role in forest protection. Finally, the contribution of volunteer groups and individuals is crucial for the protection of forests.
Learning Objectives
- Recalling previous knowledge about the importance of the role of forests in ecological balance
- Being aware of the danger of deforestation due to fires
- Searching for historical data about the severe fires on Chios island
- Thinking of ways to deal with the problem
- Learning to create timelines with various online tools
- Learning to create timelines with various online tools
- Searching on internet for flora items
- Relating the species of flora to the geographical area in which they are endemic
- Learning to create interactive maps or walls using online platforms such as
- Acquainting with the forest activities in their area
- Acquainting with the local forest flora and fauna
- Questioning an official representative of the local community about issues the students are interested in
- Resolving any questions about the forests and the inhabitants’ activities
- Coming into contact for life with the local nature
- Searching on internet for information about forest activities
- Seeking information from professionals in the field
- Learning to create infographics and posters using online platforms such as
- Thinking about ways to prevent forest fires

A panorama of forests in Chios (photo Eftichia Vlysidou, Katerina Skokou)
In this particular SeedQuest students:
- will get to know the forests, forest uses, flora and fauna in Chios,
- will be informed of the serious problem of deforestation by fires and will think of solutions to the problem.
At the end of the program the students:
- will be able to understand the properties, benefits and uses of the forest
- will know the forest, an important element of the biodiversity of Chios.
Activity 1: Study of material-composition of the introduction text
Children are given a list of forest-related links and they are asked to study the cognitive material about the benefits, disasters and protection of forests.
Activity 2: Creation of a timeline regarding the major fires in Chios from 1981 until today on the platform
Step 1 - Introduction / Discussion
Introduction to the damages caused to forests by uncontrolled fires and their causes (natural phenomena / arson / negligence).
Step 2 - Search for sources
Discussion on how to deal with the forest fires and how to prevent the problem. Searching on the internet to find reports on the major fires in Chios. Data can be searched either at the local forest office, or in the local press archive kept in the local library, or in the personal archive of a resident.
Step 3 - Create a timeline
Students watch the video Timetoast Student Tutorial, which explains in a simple way all the steps of registering and using the platform to create timelines. Teachers explain to the students all the necessary details , as well as how to introduce facts on the timeline. Students can create schedules either working on their own or in groups. The final result can be published online, posted on the school website or downloaded as an image.
Final result:
Activity 3: Creation of an interactive map of Chios in which the students will pin the main types of flora and forest activities found in the area on the platform
Step 1 - Search for sources
Students search the internet for resources related to local flora such as:
Step 2 - Introduction / Discussion
Discussion about the endemic species of flora as well as the various activities e.g. beekeeping, viticulture, etc.
Step 3 - Visit a local forest area to take photos
Visiting to a local forest area and photographing the local flora. (Potential activity. This visit could have taken place, if there had not been a pandemic)
Step 4 - Create an interactive map
Students watch the video Learn Padlet - NEW! Tutorial, which explains in a simple way all the steps of registration and use of the platform for creating walls or maps. Teachers explain to the students all the necessary details , how to create the interactive map but also how they could work collaboratively in groups. Then students can pin on the map the places where some kinds of local flora thrives, upload photos, and write comments on the map.
Final result:
Activity 4 - Forest activities. Using online platforms students create an infographic in which they display various activities implemented in the forest areas of Chios.
Step 1 - Introduction / Discussion
Discussion / brainstorming, about several activities, professional / leisure or amateur which children believe take place in the forest areas of Chios.
Step 2 - Search for sources
Students search on internet for websites:
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Interview with professionals in the field (Potential activity due to pandemic. It could be done, if there was no pandemic)
Step 3 - Create an infographic
Students watch the video which explains how to create an infographic with the platform Teachers explain to students all the necessary details, how they can work to create the infographic, either individually or in groups. Students can either select a template and modify it (easier process), or start from a blank page (more difficult process).
The outcomes can be shared on the internet and social media, posted on the school website or downloaded as an image.
Final result:
Activity 5: Create a poster to protect forests from fires with the platform
Step 1 - Introduction / Discussion
Students watch an introductory video of GGP on "Forest Fires: Protection Instructions"
Step 2 - Create a poster
Students watch the video which explains the basic use of the platform
Teachers explain to the students all the necessary details ,in order to refer to the website where there are various explanatory videos for different functions e.g. insert audio into the poster. Students can choose a template and work on it or create a poster from scratch.
The outcomes can be shared on the internet and social media, posted on the school website or downloaded as an image.
Final result:
Activity 6: Walking in a neighboring forest and locating local flora and fauna
Step 1 - An educational walk in a local forest
During the educational walk, students record and photograph various species of local flora and fauna
Step 2 - Identify the species in the laboratory
Students are then asked in the lab to identify these species using online artificial intelligence (AI) tools such as Google Lens, local websites being supported by their teachers.
Activity 7- Preparing the interview with the Director of Chios Forest Department
Step 1 - Writing interview questions
Since the students are being informed that an interview would be held with the Director of the Chios Forest Department, they create a set of proper questions.
Step 2- Pay a visit in a nearby fοrest area - interview the Director of Chios Forest Department
Step 3 – Create a video
The interview was videotaped; thus, along with other photographic material collected during the action, our students create a two-minute video clip, by using the Win Movie Maker program. The video is available at the following link:
Activity to be done. At the beginning of the new school year, our students will create a video of the entire interview ; this video will be sent to the Directorate of Chios Forest Department.
Activity 8 - Presentation of the group work in the classroom
Discussion, comments and remarks on the works.
Activity of capturing the feelings of the participating students.
Write down three emotions that your participation in the program caused you.
( Code number: 5822 5709)
Other website:
- How to create a poster
- Look for what you see
- Chios nature
- Botanical garden at Aegean
- Knowing forests Δι ε ύθ υνσ η Δασ ώ ν Χί ου
- Awareness of the danger of deforestation due to fires
- Learn to search historical data about the big fires on the island of Chios
- Learn to think of ways to deal with the problem
- Know the main flora of their place
- Relate the species of flora to the geographical area in which they are endemic
- Learn the forest activities in their area
- Learn how to seek information from professionals in the field
- Know to think of ways to prevent forest fires
- Learn to create interactive maps or walls using online platforms such as
- Learn to create infographics using online platforms such as
- Learn how to make posters using online platforms like
- Learn to create timelines with various online tools
- Search on internet for information
- Find information about forests
- Make proposals about the exploitation of the benefits of forests in the local economy
- Make proposals about forests’ protection
- Develop observation, critical ability, analytical and synthetic thinking
- Collaborate and develop interpersonal communication skills
- Reflect and interact positively with their partners, through dialogue
- Be able to make sensible decisions
Because it was the first time for our students to participate in a program like this, we considered that it would appropriate to record the emotions they expressed due to their participation in the program (such as satisfaction, confidence, enthusiasm). In general, we consider that it is important to record the participant students’ and teachers’ impressions alike.
Students dealt with a serious problem, that of forests. They browsed websites and gathered information on the subject. This material was the main source for their activities. The main resource for the completion of the program was the internet (internet platforms, websites).
Students read about the forests in Chios (benefits, fires) and, thus, they enriched their previous knowledge. They also became aware on the issues of fire prevention and forest protection. In addition, students developed skills in using the internet and utilizing online tools. Thus, they were able to expand the narrow confines of the classroom and form a new perspective on the forest ecosystem in Chios. Given that GREEN SEEDS aims to empower isolated and decentralized schools, this dimension plays an important role for rural schools to rural schools to provide quality education to students and the local community.
Utilization of technology in the classroom is an important pedagogical resource. In addition to the activities chosen by our students, there are other tools (eg bulletin board, online games, collages, etc.) that contribute to the development of programs based on knowledge and student experiences. Online platforms also enhance students' engagement with current issues, such as digital bullying, racism, art, interculturalism, poverty, etc., which are also on the European agenda for youth education.
Technology, also, was the strength of the program, as it broadened the horizons of the isolated school of Volissos, allowing it to communicate and collaborate with schools from Cyprus and Croatia.
We must point out the main threat we faced: the small number of students. However, we turned this threat into a strength, because our students showed too much enthusiasm and commitment to the implementation of the program.
Protection of the forests; os vesi_2009.pdf
Teachers Section
Learning theories
- Ιnquiry-based Learning
- Constructivism
- Collaborative Learning
- CBL-Computer Based Learning
It is a platform for cooperation and mutual support. It allows students and teachers to exchange ideas, present assignments and suggest solutions to problems. It is an enjoyable learning tool, which makes students protagonists in the classroom and enhances their exploratory, collaborative and exploratory skills.
A complete package of office applications which includes a copywriter, presentation program, spreadsheets, forms and design environment. It makes students able to share files via hyperlinks as well as collaborative file editing.
Poster Postermywall
Online application for creating and designing an educational poster. Free user registration required. Posters are stored online or printed. The design and creation of the educational digital poster helps the students to acquire skills of presenting knowledge and ideas that they have acquired during the teaching process. At the same time, students develop communication, collaboration and exploration skills. The information poster also enhances the skills of classifying, organizing and presenting ideas and information.
Timeline is a creative, enjoyable and effective pedagogical approach, a teaching method, suitable for all levels of education and for all ages, on the level of formal, non-formal and informal form of education. It offers a framework, that of history, it connects the different cognitive objects, and thus offering, aiming at the acquisition of complete knowledge.
Interactive maps
The primary purpose of an interactive map is to offer the ease of visualizing data to the user in a specific manner. These flexible, web-based mapping tools possess points which, when clicked, display the detailed information. The information can be in links, videos, and the like. Besides, interactive maps comprehensively organize all forms of data, be it hierarchical, straightforward, relational or singular.
Windows Movie Maker (WMM)
WMM is a catalyst for student learning online. It has been proven that students are more inclined to participate in learning activities with relevance or importance to the everyday lives they lead. Student interest and involvement also leads to a higher chance of success. Because of this, it is vital that teachers provide learning experiences that aim to motivate students to contribute from commencement to completion. WMM is beneficial to student learning for a number of reasons. Firstly, this ICT and the learning activities that can be associated with it encourages creativity and problem solving. Secondly, group work aids in creating awareness of one’s own strengths and weaknesses along with exposure to different constructive conflicts and communication as a result of individuals perspectives and ideas. Thirdly, using software such as WMM encourages the use of ICTs providing students with a variety of skills imperative to their functioning within a technological environment.
All of these factors reiterate the concept that teachers need to incorporate a variety of ICTs into students learning environments. Due to the ICTs versatility, the incorporation of WMM into the curriculum would be an enjoyable process for students and teachers.