Συγγραφέας: Συγγραφέας: τάξη IV + V (τάξη πολλών επιπέδων), I.S. Abbé Trèves, Breuil Cervinia, Vallée d'Aoste (IT)
Εταίρος: τάξη IV + V (τάξη πολλών επιπέδων), IC Bosco Chiesanuova, San Rocco Primary School, Verona (IT)
Το Matterhorn (ιδιωτική φωτογραφία)
"Τα μεγάλα βουνά έχουν την αξία των ανδρών που τα σκαρφαλώνουν, διαφορετικά δεν θα ήταν τίποτα άλλο από ένα σωρό πέτρες"
Walter Bonatti, Ιταλός εξερευνητής, ορειβάτης και δημοσιογράφος
Η τάξη μας έχει ως έργο να ενημερώσει τους φίλους μας στο San Rocco για τη χλωρίδα και την πανίδα γύρω από το Matterhorn προκειμένου να τους ενθαρρύνει να επισκεφτούν τη χώρα μας.
Μαθησιακοί στόχοι
- Οι μαθητές να αναπτύξουν βασικές ικανότητες πολιτειότητας: "Μαθαίνω πως να μαθαίνω"
- Civic education: knowing the main rules of behavior and respect useful for the protection of the forest
- Sciences: knowing the flora and the fauna of the territory and to know how to safeguard
- Language: producing texts in various languages
- Technology: knowing and using information and communication tools
The work is divided into stages:
First stage
- find out information.
- to become able to choose the most important information.
Second stage
- The pupils work alone or in a group. They have to find out information about the flora and the fauna around the Matterhorn.
- The pupils have to find out the right behaviour in order to protect the wood. This stage will take place both in the classroom (the smartboard will be used) and in the computer room.
Creation of a website
The pupils with the help of the teacher create a website.
Le website has to contain:
- a first page with the title of the activity and the name of the class that has made it.
- a summary that contains the main topics.
- the topics:
- an introduction
- some drawings of the pupils.
- the different steps of the trekking around the Matterhorn.
- a stage concerning the right behaviour in order to protect the wood.
- Oral self-assessment discussions : scientific knowledge, informatic knowledge and social aptitudes.
- The teacher will observe her pupils all long the project.