GREEN S.E.E.D.S. aims at breaking the isolation of little, decentralized schools located in the mountain and in smaller islands, trying to counter the risk that their geographical isolation might lead to their cultural deprivation.
Through dialogue and interaction from remote, 20 classes of small schools in Italy, Spain, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus will share a path towards the creation of didactic units, implementing the Webquest method: the SeedQuests, which the pupils themselves will present to their colleagues in other schools. Knowledge and protection of the environment are the common denominator of this dialogue, which enhances - in a prospect of mutual exchange - the link between the Partner schools and their natural environment, encouraging youngest’s engagement in the protection of the planet.
Learn about the methodology used by educators in the GREEN S.E.E.D.S. project.
MethodologyToolkit Modules
A range of toolkit modules to help you to apply the GREEN S.E.E.D.S. methodology.
Toolkit ModulesSeedQuests and Digital Storytelling
Real-world environmental challenges created by pupils for pupils.
SeedQuests Digital Storytelling